IB Recruitment 2023 Details
Intelligence Bureau Bharti 2023 येथील आस्थापना मार्फत “कनिष्ठ गुप्तचर अधिकारी (RO), ग्रेड-II (तांत्रिक) ” पदांसाठी भरती जाहिरात प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आलेली आहे. एकूण 797 पदांसाठी भरती होणार असून इच्छुक उमेदवारांना सुवर्ण संधी प्राप्त झाली आहे. पात्र उमेदवारांनी अर्ज फक्त ONLINE पद्धतीने सादर करावे. सदर भरती प्रक्रिया IB Recruitment 2023 येथे अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख 23 जून 2023 आहे.त्याच बरोबर सदर पदभरती ची शैक्षणिक पात्रता,अभ्यासक्रम,निवड प्रक्रिया,निकरीचे ठिकाण,वयाची अट,पगार,अर्ज करण्याची पद्धत या बाबत सविस्तर माहिती खाली दिलेली आहे. IB Recruitment 2023 भरतीबाबत अधिक माहिती खाली दिलेली आहे ती काळजीपूर्वक वाचूनच आपला अर्ज दाखल करावा.
तसेच ह्या भरती बाबत अधिक माहिती मिळविण्यासाठी आमचा भरती निघाली.COM हा Whatsapp group join करा

Education Qualification for IB Recruitment 2023 :-
एकूण जागा : 797
पदाचे नाव व शैक्षणिक पात्रता :-
पदाचे नाव | पात्रता | वेतन | पदसंख्या |
01) संबंधित क्षेत्रात अभियांत्रिकी डिप्लोमा 02) विज्ञान मध्ये पदवी किंवा पदवीधर |
Level-4 (Rs. 25,500-81, 100) in the pay matrix |
797 |
एकूण जागा | 797 |
IB Vacancy Details 2023 :
UR | EWS | OBC | SC | ST | TOTAL |
325 | 79 | 215 | 119 | 59 | 797 |
वयाची अट :- उमेदवाराचे वय 26 जून 2023 रोजी 18 – 27 वर्षाच्या दरम्यान असावे.[SC/ST – 05 वर्षे सूट, OBC – 03 वर्षे सूट]
नोकरीचे ठिकाण :- भारत
ONLINE अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख :- 23 जून 2023
परीक्षा शुल्क : जनरल/ OBC/ EWS – 450 /- रुपये [SC/ST/PWD/महिला – 450/-]
अर्ज करण्याची अधिकृत Website : www.mha.gov.in/en
IB अधिकृत संकेतस्थळ : www.mha.gov.in
संपूर्ण जाहिरात : येथे पहा.

IB Recruitment 2023 :-
IB i.e Intelligence Bureau has released advertisement under EXAMINATION – 2023 invites Online Application for the year 2023-24 from eligible cadidates for the post of JUNIOR INTELLIGENCE OFFICER GRADE – II (TECHNICAL) .There will be recruitment for a total of 797 posts. Eligible candidates for IB recruitment 2023 apply online apply. The last date to apply for IB Recruitment 2023 is 23 june 2023.The detailed information about educational qualification, syllabus selection process,location, age requirement, salary, application method is given below. Submit your application.
Advertisement :- EXAMINATION – 2023
- Total Post : 797
- Age limit :- Candidates Age on 26 JUNE 2023 is between 18 – 27 years
- Education Qualification :- Given Above
- pay scale :- Given Above
- Exam conduct By :- Department
- Application Mode : Online only
- Job Location : india
- Important Dates : 23 June 2023 (11:59PM)
Official Website :- www.mha.gov.in
Download PDF & Application form :- Advertisment
More about IB Recruitment 2023 :-
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) discharges multifarious responsibilities, the important among them being – internal security, border management, Centre-State relations, administration of Union Territories, management of Central Armed Police Forces, disaster management, etc. Though in terms of Entries 1 and 2 of List II – ‘State List’ – in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India, ‘public order’ and ‘police’ are the responsibilities of States, Article 355 of the Constitution enjoins the Union to protect every State against external aggression and internal disturbance and to ensure that the Government of every State is carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
In pursuance of these obligations, the Ministry of Home Affairs continuously monitors the internal security situation, issues appropriate advisories, shares intelligence inputs, extends manpower and financial support, guidance and expertise to the State Governments for maintenance of security, peace and harmony without encroaching upon the constitutional rights of the States.
Selection Process For IB Bharti 2023
The Selection Process for IB Recruitment 2023 includes the following Stages:
Tier | Description of the Exam | Marks | Time duration |
Tier-1 |
100 | 2 Hrs |
Tier-II | Skill Test – it would be practical based and technical in nature commensurate with the job profile |
30 | – |
Tier-Ill | Interview/Personality | 20 | – |
- Eligibility: IB recruitment eligibility criteria are given bellow
- (a) Age Limit : Candidates Age on 26 june 2023 is between 18 – 27 years
- (b) Nationality: Candidates must be Indian citizens
(c) Educational Qualifications: given above
2. Application Process:
- (i) Applications should be submitted only through ONLINE registration by logging on to·
the website www.mha.g!lv.in or www.ncs.gov.in. Applications wiM NOT.be accepted’
through any other mode. - (ii) The application portal will be operational from 03.06.2023 to 23.06.2023 (till 2359
hours): Registration done prior to 03.06.2023 and after 23.06.2023 will not be
accepted. - (iii) Candidates can apply for the post provided they fulfil the prescribed eligibility””))
- candidates make sure and visit official website regularly.