NTPC Recruitment 2023
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited येथील आस्थापना मार्फत ” Assistant Manager ” पदांसाठी भरती जाहिरात प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आलेली आहे. एकूण 300 पदांसाठी मोठी भरती होणार असून Engineer (Electical,Mechanical,Electronics) पदवी असणाऱ्या उमेदवारांना सुवर्ण संधी प्राप्त झाली आहे. पात्र उमेदवारांनी अर्ज फक्त ONLINE पद्धतीने सादर करावे.NTPC Recruitment 2023 येथे अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख 02 जून 2023 आहे.त्याच बरोबर सदर पदभरती ची शैक्षणिक पात्रता,निवड प्रक्रिया,निकरीचे ठिकाण,वयाची अट,पगार,अर्ज करण्याची पद्धत या बाबत सविस्तर माहिती खाली दिलेली आहे. NTPC Recruitment 2023 भरतीबाबत अधिक माहिती खाली दिलेली आहे ती काळजीपूर्वक वाचूनच आपला अर्ज दाखल करावा.
तसेच ह्या भरती बाबत अधिक माहिती मिळविण्यासाठी आमचा भरती निघाली.COM हा Whatsapp group join करा .
NTPC Bharti Details :-
जाहिरात :- 10/23
पदाचे नाव : Assistant Manager
एकूण जागा : 300
पदाचे नाव व शैक्षणिक पात्रता :-
पदाचे नाव | पात्रता | पदसंख्या |
असिस्टंट मॅनेजर (ऑपेरेशन/ मेंटेनन्स) |
इलेक्ट्रिकल |
120 |
मेकॅनिकल |
120 | |
इलेकट्रोनिक्स/ इंस्ट्रुमेंटेशन | 60 |
- 60% गुणांसह संबंधित विषयात इंजिनीअरिंग पदवी + 07 वर्षे अनुभव.
- फक्त भारतातील मान्यताप्राप्त विद्यापीठाची पदवी ग्राह्य धरण्यात येणार आहे.
वयाची अट :-
पदाचे नाव | वयमर्यादा |
खुला | 18 ते 35 वर्षे. |
ओबीसी | 03 वर्षे सूट. |
मागासवर्गीय | 05 वर्षे सूट. |
फी :-
प्रवर्ग | फी |
खुला/ओबीसी/EWS | 300/- |
मागासवर्गीय/महिला/माजी सैनिक/PwBD | फी सूट. |
नोकरीचे ठिकाण :- संपूर्ण भारत
वेतन ( पगार ) :- E3 GRADE/IDA 60000/- ते 180000/-
आरोग्य चाचणी :- नोकरीसाठी हजर होण्यापूर्वी NTPC च्या HOSPITAL मध्ये आरोग्य तपासणी करण्यात येईल. आरोग्य तपासणीचे संपूर्ण निकष अधिकृत संकेतस्थळा वर प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आलेले आहेत.
ONLINE अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख :-02 जून 2023
अर्ज करण्याची अधिकृत Website : www.ntpc.co.in
संपूर्ण जाहिरात : येथे पहा.
नागरिकत्व :- केवळ भारतीय नागरिकांनी आपला अर्ज सादर करावा.

NTPC Recruitment 2023 :-
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited has released advertisement under NOTIFICATIONNO:No.10/23 invites Online Application for the post of “Assistant Manager” from eligible candidates . There will be recruitment for a total of 300 posts. Eligible candidates should apply online. The last date to apply for NTPC Recruitment 2023 is 02 june 2023.The detailed information about educational qualification, selection process,location, age requirement, salary, application method is given below. Submit your application.
Advertisement :-NOTIFICATIONNO:No.10/23
- Total Post : 300
- Age limit :-
- Upper Age Limit : 35 years
[subject to relaxations as per govt.reservation]
- Nationality :
Only Indian National are eligible to apply
Education Qualification :-
- BE (MECHANICAL,ELECTICAL,ELECTRONICS with min 7 yearas of Experiance)
- pay scale :-
POST NAME SALARY Assistant Manager
E3 GRADE/IDA 60000/- ते 180000/-
- Application Mode : Online only
- Job Location: All over India
- Important Dates : 02 june 2023 (06:00 PM)
Official Website :- www.ntpc.co.in
Download PDF & Application form :- Advertisment
More about NTPC Bharti 2023 :-
NTPC is India’s largest energy conglomerate with roots planted way back in 1975 to accelerate power development in India. Since then it has established itself as the dominant power major with presence in the entire value chain of the power generation business. From fossil fuels it has forayed into generating electricity via hydro, nuclear and renewable energy sources. This foray will play a major role in lowering its carbon footprint by reducing green house gas emissions. To strengthen its core business, the corporation has diversified into the fields of consultancy, power trading, training of power professionals, rural electrification, ash utilisation and coal mining as well.
NTPC became a Maharatna company in May 2010. As of January 2020, there are 10 Maharatnas CPSEs in India. NTPC is ranked No. 2 Independent Power Producer(IPP) in Platts Top 250 Global Energy Company rankings.
More About NTPC :-
NTPC is India’s largest power utility with an installed capacity of 72,304 MW (including JVs), plans to become a 130 GW company by 2032. Established in 1975, NTPC aims to be the world’s largest and best power major.
NTPC has comprehensive Rehabilitation & Resettlement and CSR policies well integrated with its core business of setting up power projects and generating electricity. The company is committed to generating reliable power at competitive prices in a sustainable manner by optimising the use of multiple energy sources with innovative eco-friendly technologies thereby NTPC is contributing to the economic development of the nation and upliftment of the society.
candidates make sure and visit official website regularly.