DMER Bharti 2023 : वैद्यकीय शिक्षण व संशोधन संचालनालयात भरती 2023
DMER Bharti 2023 :- वैद्यकीय शिक्षण व संशोधन संचालनालय यांनी विविध पदांसाठी जाहिरात प्रसिद्ध केलेली आहे. एकूण 4946 जागांसाठी भरती घेण्यात येत आहे. जे पात्र उमेदवार आहेत त्यांच्याकडून Online पद्धतीने अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहेत .Online अर्ज दाखल करण्याची शेवटची तारीख 25/05/2023. DMER Bharti 2023 :- ची शैक्षणिक पात्रता,अभ्यासक्रम ,निवड प्रक्रिया,ठिकाण,वयाची अट ,पगार,अर्ज दाखल करण्याची पद्धत या बद्दल सविस्तर माहिती खाली दिलेली आहे .जाहिरातीत दिलेली संपूर्ण माहिती काळजीपूर्वक वाचूनच आपला अर्ज दाखल करावा.

वैद्यकीय शिक्षण व संशोधन संचालनालय भरती २०२३
जाहिरात :- संवैशिवसं/तांत्रिक-अतांत्रिक/जाहिरात/आस्था-4/2023
एकूण भरावयाची पदे :- 4946
पदांचे नाव :- सविस्तर माहिती जाहिरातीत आहे.
अ.क्र. | पदाचे नाव | एकूण पदे |
1 | तांत्रिक पदे | 905 |
2 | अ तांत्रिक पदे | 67 |
3 | स्टाफ नर्स | 3974 |
एकूण पदे | 4946 |
शैक्षणिक पात्रता :- प्रत्येक पदानुसार वेगळी असून सविस्तर जाहिरात बघा
वयाची अट :- 25 मे 2023 रोजी
अ.न. | जातीचा प्रवर्ग | वय मर्यादा |
1 | (OPEN) अराखीव (खुला) | 38 |
2 | SC/ST/(VJ/ NT1/ NT2/ NT3/ OBC /SBC) Constitutional Reserve Candidates / Orphan / EWS (अ.जा./अ.ज./वि.जा./भ.ज.ब / भ.ज. क /भ.ज. ड / इ.मा.व./वि.मा.व. / अनाथ / आ.दु.घ.) | 43 |
3 | Persons with Disability (दिव्यांग) | 45 |
4 | Project Affected Person and Earth Quake Affected (प्रकल्पग्रस्त व भूकंपग्रस्त) | 45 |
5 | Degree/Diploma Holder Part Time Candidate (पदवीधर/ पदिवकाधारक अंशकािलन उमदेवार) | 55 |
6 | Ward of Ex- Freedom fighter (माजी स्वातंत्र सैनिकाचा पाल्य) | 45 |
7 | Sports Person (खेळाडू) | 43 |
8 | Ex- Serviceman (माजी सैिनक) | सैनिकाचा सेवा कालावधी + 3 वर्ष |
वैद्यकीय शिक्षण व संशोधन संचालनालय भरती २०२३
पगार (वेतन) :- ७ व्या वेतन आयोगानुसार
परीक्षा पद्धत :- Online पद्धतीने
अर्ज करण्याची पद्धत :- फक्त Online पद्धतीने
नियुक्तीचे ठिकाण : वैद्यकीय शिक्षण व संशोधन संचालनालयच्या महाष्ट्रातील विविध कार्यालयात
फी :- 1. अमागास : 1000/-
2.मागासवर्गीय/आर्थिक दुर्बल घटक/अनाथ: 900/-
अर्ज करण्यासाठी अधिकृत संकेतस्थळ :-
जाहिरात :- जाहिरात पहा
अभ्यासक्रम :-
- अतांत्रिक पदासाठी :-
- एकूण 100 प्रश्न (मराठी 25 ,इंग्रजी 25 ,सामान्य ज्ञान 25,बुद्धिमत्ता व गणित 25)
- तांत्रिक /स्टाफ नर्स पदासाठी :-
- एकूण 100 प्रश्न (मराठी 15 ,इंग्रजी 15 ,विषयासंबधित 40 ,बुद्धिमत्ता व गणित 30)
DMER Bharti 2023 | DMER Recruitment 2023
DMER Bharti 2023 : Recruitment of verious posts under DMER Department under Govt of Maharashtra . The last date to apply is 25/05/2023. DMER Bharti 2023 recruitment is done by online. The candidates are given Detailed information about the educational qualifications, selection process, syllabus , location, age limit, salary and how to apply for the recruitment are given bellow. DMER Bharti 2023 The details of the Related recruitment are given in the advertisement. The recruitment advertisement should be read carefully by Candidate before applying.
Total number of Post : 4946
Post Name :- Technical, Non- Technical, staff nurse
Qualification for posts :- variable by posts
Age Limit :- As on 25/05/2023 18 to 38 years [Reservation category: 05 years Relaxation]
Pay Scale :- 7th pay scale
Application Mode :- Online
Job Location : All over maharashtra
Fees : Open : 1000/-
Reservation : 900/-
Last Date Of Application is : 25/05/2023
Official Website :-
PDF Download : Download
Exam Pattern : Online Based Test
DMER Bharti 2023 Schedule & Test Design: The examinations will be conducted for Class III Nursing/ Technical / Non-Technical Posts at various Sub Centers in the State of Maharashtra. Candidate as per their eligibility, should apply for the post for which they are eligible and should appear for the relevant examination session(s). Candidate can appear for more than one cadre as per eligibility criteria, provided that the candidate has filled separate application form for post in each cadre.
(a) Exam paper will be of total 11/2 hours duration containing 100 multiple choice questions (MCQS). The Question paper shall have Four sections, Section I to Section IV for the post of
Non -Technical.
- 25 MCQs of Knowledge of Marathi
- 25 MCQs of Knowledge of English
- 25 MCQs of GK
- 25 MCQs of Reasoning & Aptitude Test
(b) Exam paper will be of total 11/2 hours duration containing 100 multiple choice questions (MCQS).
The Question paper shall have Four sections,
Section I to Section IV ,for the post of Nursing /Technical.
Section I – Shall Contain 15 MCQs of Knowledge of Marathi.
Section II – Shall contain 15 MCQs of Knowledge of English.
Section III -Shall contain 30 MCQs of General Knowledge, Reasoning & Aptitude Test.
Section IV- Shall contain 40 MCQs of (Nursing /Technical) Subject Related.
Question will be of single best response type with four options including one key answer. Each correct answer will be given Two marks. There shall be no negative marking for wrong answers.
Language of Examination Paper :
The medium for examination shall be Marathi and English only.
About DMER Bharti 2023
DMER Bharti 2023 (Directorate of Medical Education and Research) conducts recruitment for various Techanical and Non techanical positions in the state of Maharashtra. Here is some general information about DMER recruitment:
1. Positions: DMER conducts recruitment for various positions such as Medical Officers, Staff Nurses, Laboratory Technicians, Pharmacists, and other technical and administrative posts
2. Eligibility: The eligibility criteria for DMER recruitment vary depending on the position applied for. Generally, candidates should have completed their graduation or post-graduation in the relevant field from a recognized university or institute. The maximum age limit varies depending on the position applied for.
3. Selection Process: The selection process for DMER recruitment consists of a written test and interview. The written test consists of objective-type questions related to the field of the position applied for. Candidates who clear the written test are called for an interview.
4. Application Process: Interested candidates can apply for DMER recruitment online through the official website. Candidates need to register themselves by filling in the required details and upload the necessary documents. The application fee for the exam is nominal, and candidates can pay the fee online through net banking, credit card, or debit card.
5. Admit Card: The admit card for the written test is issued to eligible candidates on the official website. Candidates must download and take a printout of the admit card to appear for the examination.
6. Results: The results of the written test and interview are generally declared on the official website, and candidates who clear the examination and interview are called for document verification and medical examination.
1.The Competent Authority shall conduct Competitive Online Test for recruitment of Nursing / Technical / Non- Technical cadre (Class -III), evaluate the online answer sheets and prepare the Provisional State Merit List.
2.The Competent Authority will prepare a Provisional State Merit List indicating Merit List Number, Name, Category Merit Number and Marks scored by the Candidate. The same will be made available on
3.Cadre wise and Post-wise Provisional State Merit List shall be prepared on the basis of marks scored by the candidate in descending order.
The Candidate must score 45% i.e. 90 out of 200 marks, will be eligible for qualify for further merit based selection process.