ISRO Recruitment 2023
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) HQ Bengaluru येथील आस्थापना मार्फत ” Scientist/Engineer” पदांसाठी भरती जाहिरात प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आलेली आहे. एकूण 303 पदांसाठी मोठी भरती होणार असून इच्छुक उमेदवारांना सुवर्ण संधी प्राप्त झाली आहे. पात्र उमेदवारांनी अर्ज फक्त ONLINE पद्धतीने सादर करावे. ISRO Recruitment 2023 येथे अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख 14 जून 2023 आहे.त्याच बरोबर सदर पदभरती ची शैक्षणिक पात्रता,निवड प्रक्रिया,निकरीचे ठिकाण,वयाची अट,पगार,अर्ज करण्याची पद्धत या बाबत सविस्तर माहिती खाली दिलेली आहे. ISRO Recruitment 2023 भरतीबाबत अधिक माहिती खाली दिलेली आहे ती काळजीपूर्वक वाचूनच आपला अर्ज दाखल करावा.
तसेच ह्या भरती बाबत अधिक माहिती मिळविण्यासाठी आमचा भरती निघाली.COM हा Whatsapp group join करा .

ISRO Recruitment 2023 Details :-
जाहिरात :- ISRO:ICRB:02(EMC):2023
पदाचे नाव : Scientist/Engineer
एकूण जागा : 303
पदाचे नाव व शैक्षणिक पात्रता :-
पदाचे नाव | पात्रता | पदसंख्या |
Scientist/Engineer(Electronics) | 65% गुणांसह B.E/B.Tech (इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स & कम्युनिकेशन) | 90 |
Scientist/Engineer(Mechanical) | 65% गुणांसह B.E/B.Tech (मेकॅनिकल) | 163 |
Scientist/Engineer(computer science) | 65% गुणांसह B.E/B.Tech (कॉम्प्युटर सायन्स) | 47 |
Scientist/Engineer(Electronics) | 65% गुणांसह B.E/B.Tech (इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स & कम्युनिकेशन) | 02 |
Scientist/Engineer(Electronics-PRL) | 65% गुणांसह B.E/B.Tech (कॉम्प्युटर सायन्स) | 01 |
TOTAL | 303 |
- फक्त भारतातील मान्यताप्राप्त विद्यापीठाची पदवी ग्राह्य धरण्यात येणार आहे.
वयाची अट :-प्रत्येक पदानुसार वेगळे (सविस्तर जाहिरात बघावी) 14 जून 2023 रोजी कमीतकमी 18 व जास्तीतजास्त 28 वर्षे [SC/ST: 05 वर्षे सूट, OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]
फी :-
प्रवर्ग | फी |
खुला/ओबीसी/EWS | 250/- |
मागासवर्गीय/महिला/माजी सैनिक/PwBD | FREE/- |
नोकरीचे ठिकाण :- संपूर्ण भारत
वेतन ( पगार ) :- 7th Pay matrix
निवडीची प्रक्रिया : Written Exam, Interview, document verification, Medical Test
आरोग्य चाचणी :- नोकरीसाठी हजर होण्यापूर्वी आरोग्य तपासणी करण्यात येईल. आरोग्य तपासणीचे संपूर्ण निकष अधिकृत संकेतस्थळावर प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आलेले आहेत.
ONLINE अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख :- 14 जून 2023
अर्ज करण्याची अधिकृत Website :
संपूर्ण जाहिरात : येथे पहा.
नागरिकत्व :- केवळ भारतीय नागरिकांनी आपला अर्ज सादर करावा.

ISRO Recruitment 2023 :-
Indian Space Research Organization(ISRO) has released advertisement under NOTIFICATIONNO: ISRO:ICRB:02(EMC):2023 invites Online Application for the post of “Scientist/Engineer“ from eligible candidates . There will be recruitment for a total of 303 posts. Eligible candidates should apply online. The last date to apply for ISRO Recruitment 2023 is 14 june 2023.The detailed information about educational qualification, selection process,location, age requirement, salary, application method is given below. Submit your application.
Advertisement :-NOTIFICATIONNO:NO.ISRO:ICRB:02(EMC):2023
- Total Post : 303
- Age limit :- On 14 JUNE 2023 candidates Age should be between 18 to 28 years [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]
- Nationality : Only Indian National are eligible to apply
Education Qualification :-GIVEN ABOVE
- Different post by post
- pay scale :- 7th Pay matrix
- Application Mode : Online only
- Application fees : General/OBC/EWS : ₹250 /- [SC/ST/PWD: FREE]
- Job Location: All over India
- Important Dates : 14 june 2023
Official Website :-
Download PDF & Application form :- Advertisment
More about ISRO :-
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is the space agency of India. The organisation is involved in science, engineering and technology to harvest the benefits of outer space for India and the mankind. ISRO is a major constituent of the Department of Space (DOS), Government of India. The department executes the Indian Space Programmeprimarily through various Centres or units within ISRO.
ISRO was previously the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR), set up by the Government of India in 1962, as envisioned by Dr. VikramA Sarabhai. ISRO was formed on August 15, 1969 and superseded INCOSPAR with an expanded role to harness space technology. DOS was set up and ISRO was brought under DOS in 1972.
ISRO has its headquarters in Bengaluru. Its activities are spread across various centres and units. Launch Vehicles are built at VikramSarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram; Satellites are designed and developed at U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), Bengalure; Integration and launching of satellites and launch vehicles are carried out from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Sriharikota; Development of liquid stages including cryogenic stage is carried out at Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), Valiamala& Bengaluru; Sensors for Communication and Remote Sensing satellites and application aspects of the space technology are taken up at Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad and Remote Sensing satellite data reception processing and dissemination is entrusted to National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad.
candidates make sure and visit official website regularly.